In today’s rapidly changing environment organizations need to constantly improve their performance by improving customer experience, increasing efficiency and driving out unnecessary cost.
Using the Rapid Engagement Methodology™ and a broad range of organization excellence tools The Sensei Group helps organizations to identify, develop and implement improvements required to achieve higher customer satisfaction, enhanced profitability, and competitive advantage.
Our Sensei are senior practitioners who have led major cost reduction initiatives across numerous industries. These approaches and techniques have been formalized in our
RCR Methodology™ . Using this methodology, our clients obtain:
- Cost reduction decision frameworks
- Prioritized list of cost reduction opportunities
- Implementation risk scan
- Stakeholder engagement and communication plan
- Design of rapid improvement events
- Implementation of standardized work and best practices sharing
- Coaching and training for sustainable improvements
Your Sensei will lead your teams on their cost reduction journey and catalyze the transformation you seek.